Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Television Commercials

In media scriptwriting we are learning how to write commercials. I thought that this would be fun, it is, but I had no idea what commercials involve. Unlike radio, you have to think about the visuals (obviously). You have to consider your camera shot along with what is actually taking place on the screen. I don't really know how to describe the process, but writing my first television commercial script last night was very challenging! You have to explain the visuals, but also all the audio. There are also story boards which are small pictures of each scene. I know they aren't supposed to be really artistic and detailed, but I am very visual. I have so many ideas running through my mind and I really wish I could put them on paper! However, I have absolutely no artistic abilities so I have to rely on stick figures to get my ideas across. Tomorrow my partner and I will "pitch" our commercial idea to the class. I guess that will give me a good indication of how I am doing!

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