Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I still don't understand this blogging stuff. Does anyone know how to post articles on here? I really need to become more computer savvy because I have no idea what I'm doing!
Classes are going well but I'm looking forward to spring break which is right around the corner! I am surprisingly enjoying writing these scripts even though I know I have a lot of improving to do! I wrote my second Cheez-It script and decided to try a dialogue. I created a playground scene with two kids fighting over Cheez-Its. The tag line was, "Don't want your kids to become bullies on the playground? Buy them Cheez-Its today!" I got some very helpful feedback in class and was encouraged to find a different word besides "bully." I understand that bullying could be a sensitive subject, but I feel like other words don't work as well. So my new challenge is to keep my theme while being more conscious of what people may think I'm supporting (violence, bullying, etc.)

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